This website informs humanity about the agenda for world domination. Please share it.

They Want To Kill You!

The United Nations have an official agenda to reduce the world population to half a billion people. The survivors must be ruled by unelected elites. That is not a dumb conspiracy theory, but bloody reality. Learn how they plan to do this, and what you can do to protect yourself.

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The United Nations Agenda For
 World Domination

A top official from the United Nations reveals how this organization is controlled by criminal oligarchs, who use it as a platform to establish world domination. But there is hope, if humanity opens its eyes...

Who Orchestrates most evil and suffering on Earth?

Why are most people so unhealthy and unhappy? Why do millions of children dissappear every year? Why is almost everyone poor, while 0.1% is super rich? Why is there severe corruption in governments? Who owns and controls the news agencies? Find the answer in this incredible docuseries... 

Israel Is Set To Be The Center of A One world government

This film exposes something so nefarious, so evil, so mind-blowing that many will find it hard to believe. Yet it is true. The shocking secrets unveiled by this incredible documentary will shine a blazing light on the criminal entities who are hiding behind both the state of Israel and Hamas.

warpspeed stopped the fema camps

Operation Warpspeed Stopped The FEMA Camps 

The original plan of the pandemic was to have at least 10 years of lockdowns, due to ongoing virus variants. During these years all dissenting and unvaccinated people would be rounded up in FEMA camps. Why did that not happen? What stopped it? This film wil blow your mind and give powerful hope for the future!

“Little kids should have sex”,
says the World Health Organization

The World Health Organization and United Nations are instructing primary schools worldwide to make sure that every child has a sexual partner, regardless of age. The goal of the WHO and UN is that children should begin with sex as soon as possible. This shocking report reveals this official agenda for the normalization of pedophilia. 

coronavirus planned pandemic

Proof That Pandemics Are Planned With A Purpose

Millions of scientists, physicians, nurses, journalists, lawyers, politicians, law enforcement officers, and conscious citizens around the world are revealing undeniable proof that the recent pandemics are no natural events, but rather large scale criminal operations with a dark agenda. Do you have the courage to see the evidence with your own eyes?

world domination

The Agenda for World Domination By The World Economic Forum

The World Economic Forum claims to 'improve the state of the world' but in reality attempts to establish world domination, where all of mankind will become submitted to the rule of unelected financial entities. 

The End Of Humanity, As Planned By Global Leaders

Organizations like the United Nations and World Economic Forum publicly state that they want to end humanity, and enter a new era of neo-humanity, where most people will be replaced by humanoid robots. Everyone will be forced to become a cyborg: a symbiosis between man and machine, hooked up to the cloud, from where AI will monitor all your thoughts, feelings and actions. 

money murder hospitals

Millions of Hospital patients are murdered for money

Millions of unsuspecting people are being murdered in hospitals, around the world, in return for big money. A nurse or physician can earn millions of dollars simply by accepting incentives to use lethal protocols. Listen to the horrifying testimonies of medical professionals, lawyers, undertakers and surviving patients who reveal what is going on in our hospitals.

Science Reveals How Vaccines are killing Millions of people

Overwhelming scientific data shows how vaccines are used to dramatically reduce the world population, and enforce totalitarian control systems on the surviving members of humanity. Hundreds of millions have died or were severely crippled by the covid vaccines alone. Billions could lose their life in the coming years. 

See how One corporation owns the entire world

Virtually the entire world is owned by one single corporation: Vanguard. This effective monopoly gives them the power to control governments, news media, health organizations, and much more. Discover how the world is ruled by a handful of superwealthy people... 

The news is used to strictly control what you believe

World famous journalists reveal how the news is used by billionaires, governments and intelligence agencies to control the beliefs and behavior of the public. The news is pure propaganda to manipulate you to obey their every command. Make sure to watch this revealing documentary. 

Don't Miss Out On This Important Information:

We are under attack!

Stop World Control has been severely attacked in an attempt to silence us completely. After a long series of setbacks, we are rebuilding everything. Please support our fight for the freedom of humanity and the future of our world. We cannot do this without your help. Thank you so much!


The #1 key to ending world tyranny is informing the public. All the plans of the criminal elites depend entirely on one single thing: the ignorance of the population. Once people become informed, they stop complying and start resisting. Showing them the truth is therefore critical. To help you wake up the world, we offer you free flyers, posters and memes to distribute in your community, family and network.